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How can you support
the students of the
Suzuki Academy
of Columbia?
The Suzuki Academy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your gifts are tax-deductible
Become a Program Sponsor
Choose your level of sponsorship below. Funds are used for various program needs such as tuition assistance, sheet music, music stands, cello chairs and other music related items. Click on "donate" below, enter the amount of sponsorship, and then type any notes you wish to say in the notes section. We thank you!
$1 - $99
$100 - $499
$500 - $999
$1000 - $2499
$2500 - $4999
Sponsor a Concert
Some of our performances are in venues that require additional resources. Help us offset the cost of providing our community concerts by advertising your business on the concert program or donating your time or an item that we need or can sell as a fundraiser. Email the Director for more information.
Sponsor a Student
Sponsor a student for a semester ... or two! Tuition costs range from approximately $800 - $1300 per semester per student. Tuition is necessary to pay for various expenses such as teacher salaries, overhead, trophies, t-shirts, and piano accompanists. Our comprehensive program gives students a well-rounded approach to learning music and we need your help to support those students who are working hard to achieve their goals. Click "donate" below, enter the amount you wish to contribute and type "student sponsor" in the notes section and a student's name if specifying. We thank you!
Participate in Midlands Gives
Spread the word to your friends on social media - the Suzuki Academy participates in Midlands Gives! Held annually in May, this is a one day online campaign to promote awareness and support of nonprofits all around the Midlands region of South Carolina. The event is hosted by Central Carolina Community Foundation. To find out how to support us on Midlands Gives Day click here.
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